Mac Mountain Lion에서 rvm 설치하기

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마운틴라이언 설치하면 안되는게 좀 있다. 의존성 문제들…

lion에서 mountain 라이언으로 넘어오는 속도도 너무 빨랐고 변한게 많아서일까

나온지 꽤 됐다고 생각했는데 안되는게 많아서 참 성가시다.


sudo xcodebuild -license

# When Mac OS X Mountain Lion was released, I did a completely clean install. Unfortunately [RVM]( won’t install directly on the stock release. Here are the steps to get the installation working.

# This gist is based in part by [this post]( by [@theengguy](

# 1. Install [MacPorts](

# You can snag the package installer (easiest) from [](

# 2. Install a new version of curl

sudo port -v selfupdate

sudo port install curl

# This will install another, more up to date version of curl to /opt/local/bin/curl. Mountain Lion ships with 7.25.0 and you need at least 7.26.0 in order to avoid libcurl error, “(48) An unknown option was passed in to libcurl” while trying to install RVM

# 3. Check the curl version and make it active

/opt/local/bin/curl -V

# Make sure the output is >= 7.26.0

# 3. Install RVM by running the following commands from [@theengguy](;

sudo port -v selfupdate

sudo port install apple-gcc42

sudo port install gmake

sudo port install gpatch

sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gcc-apple-4.2 /opt/local/bin/gcc

sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gmake /opt/local/bin/make

sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gpatch /opt/local/bin/patch

curl -L bash -s stable

source ~/.rvm/scripts/’rvm’

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH

rvm install 1.9.3

rvm use 1.9.3@rails3tutorial2ndEd –create –default

gem update –system 1.9.3

rvm use 1.9.3

# You should have a working installation of RVM with Ruby 1.9.2 installed